Category: ADHD child

Treating ADHD in a child Jun10th 2020

Treating ADHD Through Pediatric Therapy

Behavioral therapy is a strategy parents can use to treat their child’s ADHD. Behavioral therapy is often effective at helping a child control her impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and inattentiveness. Pediatric therapy along with at-home strategies is helpful at improving the ADHD child’s overall behavior. Pediatric Therapy for ADHD Many doctors recommend behavior therapy as a form

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hyperactive-child Mar10th 2019

How Pediatric Therapy Helps for Your Hyperactive Child

Every young child is a handful. The constant jumping, the need to run in circles, the never-ending stories and the seemingly endless pit of energy that prevents them from needing almost any sleep at all — pretty much any parent can relate to this. However, for some kids, the endless energy and constant distraction is

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