Category: Child’s Doctor

Pediatric Physical Therapy Nov20th 2019

4 Reasons to Play Outside With Your Special Needs Child

Children with special needs are still children above all else. That means they savor the breeze blowing in their hair, the vivid colors of nature splashing in their eyes, and the textures of dirt and sand under their fingertips. While outdoor play brings challenges for some children, the necessity for it cannot be overstated. The

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5 Benefits of Chores for Your Special Needs Child

Nov10th 2019

When the dishes have piled up, the windows feature fingertip art, the floors have several days’ worth of grime, and you haven’t found time to fill the dog bowl, who can you call on to help? Your children! Sure, doing it yourself is probably easier, quicker, and more to your liking. However, children of all

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Good Nutrition for ADHD Oct20th 2019

Good Nutrition for ADHD Symptom Management

ADHD symptoms can be frustrating to both a parent and child. Typical behaviors may include impulsiveness, lack of focus, prone to distractibility, and the inability to sit still. By changing your child’s diet, you could see a decrease in negative behaviors associated with ADHD. Good nutrition can be used in conjunction with other treatments like

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